Company Policies
At Slane Construction Ltd, our foremost commitment is to safeguard the health, safety, and welfare of our employees. We acknowledge our responsibility for the well-being of others who may be impacted by our operations and promise to consistently meet our statutory duties.
Every employee will receive the necessary information, instruction, and training to ensure the safe execution of their work. In compliance with the Health and Safety (Consultation with Employees) Regulations 1996, all employees will be consulted on matters affecting their health and safety at work.
Management is tasked with the duty of designing processes and systems of work that prioritise health and safety, ensuring proper supervision. We maintain adequate facilities and arrangements for employees and representatives to raise health and safety concerns.
All employees must cooperate to fulfil statutory duties, as the successful execution of this policy demands commitment at all levels. Each individual bears a legal obligation to exercise reasonable care for their own health and safety and that of others affected by their actions or omissions.
Employees are legally obligated to address any hazards they become aware of during their tenure with the company. Sub-contractors are informed of and expected to work in accordance with this policy.
Regular monitoring ensures the policy's objectives are met, with annual reviews and necessary revisions in response to legislative or organizational changes.
All employees are required to read, understand, and endorse this policy by signing at the back, confirming their commitment to compliance.
At Slane Construction Ltd, we proudly embrace diversity. We are committed to fostering an inclusive environment that celebrates differences in race, gender, ethnicity, age, and beyond. Our promise is to promote equal opportunities, encourage diverse perspectives, and cultivate a workplace where every individual feels valued and respected.